Canada's NDP


Weekly C02 levels

The numbers in this atmospheric tracker keep us up-to-date on the level and direction of carbon dioxide (CO2) in real time.

Tracking the CO2 changes is important globally and locally because the CO2 which has accumulated in the atmosphere is the link that sits between our continuing emissions and the disruptive temperature increases. It is important because CO2 is the chief driver and greenhouse gas (GHG) behind the temperature and climate impacts that cause devastating harm to people, communities and ecosystems in Canada and around the world. It is also important because the rapid changes in CO2 and temperature are hitting Canada’s wildlife and natural places hard.

By tuning into the atmospheric changes with regular frequency, we respond with a focus on the heart of the climate crisis. It is a simple thing we can do, and we do it knowing that more and more people are doing the same.

But while we keep an eye on the atmosphere as it changes, we also continue to work with committed individuals and organizations to scale and speed the transition to an exciting, prosperous era of zero carbon energy and living. On many fronts, we are advancing the effort to return CO2 and other GHGs in the atmosphere to levels that are stable and safe for people and the ecosystems we care about and depend upon. Afterall, we need to make sure the lives of people across Canada are being improved by our climate initiatives. Atmospheric CO2 levels help by providing a clear signal that continually tells us where we are as we work to build a tomorrow that is better and fair for all.

Data Credits

Weekly CO2 averages are sourced from measurements in the air at the world famous Mauna Loa Observatory (MLO) as reported by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the USA.

About MLO CO2 Reports

The MLO CO2 dataset is the world’s longest-running, continual record of high-precision measurements of CO2 levels in the Earth’s atmosphere. Measurements are taken from clean background air located in the middle of the world’s largest ocean at an elevation of 3,400 metres above sea level. The measurements at this one location reveal the global trend for changes in atmospheric when we compare CO2 averages for the same period in previous years, a dataset feature confirmed by measurements of airborne CO2 by a global network of observing stations.

Production Credits:

The weekly CO2 tracker is produced and updated at the start of each week by CO2.Earth.

Tracker Usage:

This and other self-updating CO2 trackers are freely available to individuals and businesses for web use and printing.

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